

2024-04-07 14 weeks

🎞️ Life#

Chuzhou Strawberry Music Festival#

I went to see Phoenix Legend and Pu Shu, and took some random photos.
The atmosphere on-site was pretty good. Phoenix Legend and Pu Shu performed a lot as the finale. Next time, I won't try to get to the front row, as it was very troublesome to enter and exit, and I missed out on listening to some singers.
The environment was not good. After parking, we had to walk 3-4 kilometers to enter the venue. The ground was wet and full of mud, and people were occupying seats with various picnic mats in the front row without anyone managing it.
However, the security check was relatively relaxed. Except for water, which needed to be poured into the official provided cup, other picnic mats, inflatable sofas, folding chairs, etc. were allowed to be brought in (I regret it, as I saw on Xiaohongshu that it was supposed to be very strict).

💭 Excerpt#

Ten Poems for Qingming Festival#

  1. Du Mu's "Qingming": "In the drizzling rain of Qingming, pedestrians on the road are about to cry. I ask where the wine house is, the shepherd boy points to the apricot blossom village in the distance."
  2. Bai Juyi's "Cold Food and Wild Scenery": "Crows cry and magpies chirp in the tall trees, who is crying on Qingming? The wind blows paper money in the wilderness, ancient tombs are covered with green spring grass. Pear blossoms reflect on the white poplar trees, all are places of life and death separation. Mournful cries are unheard in the deep spring, the evening rain falls and people return home."
  3. Bai Juyi's "Qingming Night": "The moon is bright on Qingming night, the red pavilion of the blue courtyard."
  4. Han Yi's "Cold Food": "Flowers are flying everywhere in the spring city, the east wind of the Cold Food Festival makes the willows slant. At dusk, candles are lit in the Han Palace, light smoke scatters into the homes of the five marquises."
  5. Wu Weixin's "Su Di Qingming": "Pear blossoms are in full bloom on Qingming, wanderers are half out of the city in search of spring. At dusk, the sound of sheng and song stops, ten thousand willow trees belong to the flowing orioles."
  6. Yang Wanli's "Visiting the Tomb on Cold Food Festival": "Straight path, how thin! Is the bridge dangerous to cross without support? Distant mountains are faint outside the maple trees, broken houses are lonely beside the wheat fields. The spring wind of overnight grass, new paths without last year. Pear blossoms on the Cold Food Festival, only worry remains."
  7. Zhang Ji's "An Event at the City Gate": "Farmers are recruiting and love boats, spring grass is green in ten thousand acres of fields. Try to peek at the county walls through Wumen, Qingming has new smoke in several places."
  8. Cheng Hao's "Outskirts Outing": "In the fragrant field, I walk freely, spring enters the distant mountains and surrounds them. Excitement follows the chaotic red through the willow alley, tiredness sits by the flowing water on the mossy rock. Don't refuse toasts of wine, urging ten times, just afraid of wind and flowers flying away. Moreover, the weather is good on Qingming, don't forget to return after enjoying yourself."
  9. Wei Yingwu's "Remembering My Brothers on Qingming Day": "Cold food is mostly sick, opening my heart brings joy. Finally, I think of my hometown, smoke and fire fill the Qing River. Apricot porridge is still edible, elm jelly has been slightly fried. Regretfully, the swallows have left their loved ones, sitting and watching this fragrant year."
  10. Yan Shu's "Butterfly Loves Flowers": "Six curves lean against the green trees, willow wind blows gently, showing golden threads. Who moves the zither to the jade pillar, butterflies fly away from the curtain. Full of floating silk and falling cotton."
    These poems depict the scenery of Qingming Festival and express people's longing for the deceased and their love for spring.

📰 Weekly Digest#

ByteDance Sends Company-Wide Letter to Increase Employee Incentives: Employees with Overall Performance of M and Above Will Receive Additional Stock Options#

The full text of the internal email is as follows:

The 2023 annual performance evaluation has been completed. Thank you all for your participation.

Earlier, I discussed with everyone several important performance and incentive policy adjustments, with the main changes being "increased differentiation and increased incentive intensity." Based on this concept, we plan to further increase incentives on top of the 2023 year-end bonus, hoping to provide better rewards to colleagues with good performance.

Specifically, all colleagues who participated in the 2023 annual performance evaluation and bonus assessment, and have an overall performance of M and above, will receive an additional incentive. The incentive rules are as follows:

For overall performance of M, M+, and E, an additional incentive of 5%, 10%, and 15% respectively will be given based on the actual assessed bonus months. The incentive will be granted in the form of stock options/RSUs.

For example, if someone with an overall performance of M+ receives a 4-month year-end bonus, they will receive an additional 0.4 months of incentive (in the form of stock options/RSUs), for a total of 4.4 months of incentive.

If the value of the incentive is less than 4 shares, it will be converted into cash and combined with the April/May salary for distribution.

The additional incentives will be granted on April 25th. As long as colleagues are still employed on that day, they will be eligible to receive them.

Oh, it's still the same old company

Report: OpenAI Collects Over One Million Hours of YouTube Videos to Train GPT-4#

Earlier this week, The Wall Street Journal reported that AI companies are facing difficulties in collecting high-quality training data. Today, The New York Times provided detailed information on how AI companies are addressing this issue, including content that falls into the gray area of AI copyright law.

According to the report, OpenAI urgently needed training data and developed the Whisper audio transcription model to overcome the difficulties. They transcribed over one million hours of YouTube videos to train their state-of-the-art large-scale language model, GPT-4.

The report mentioned that OpenAI ran out of useful data supply in 2021 and discussed the feasibility of transcribing YouTube videos, podcasts, and audiobooks after exhausting other resources. In addition, OpenAI used computer code from GitHub, chess move databases, and homework content from Quizlet.

It is reported that OpenAI is aware of the legal issues involved, but considers it a reasonable use. The Times also revealed that Greg Brockman, the CEO of OpenAI, personally participated in the collection of the videos used.

Is there still data left to use on the internet?

Apple has responded to the recent "anti-steering" policy reform proposed by the EU by updating the App Store terms to support embedded links or purchase buttons for streaming music apps within EU member states. This allows users to be directed to external sites to learn about other ways to purchase music.


Musk Responds to Adult Content Proliferation on X Platform#

Elon Musk responded to concerns about the proliferation of adult content on his social media platform, X, on Thursday, announcing an upcoming "big cleanup."

A user posted, "X needs to fix the spam and pornography robot problem. It's completely out of control."

Musk responded, "The big cleanup is about to happen."
As Musk made this response, the issue of adult content on the X website was receiving increasing attention. The platform is currently filled with explicit content to the point where it makes users uncomfortable.

According to reports, Musk's X company has been exploring ways to monetize adult content. However, concerns about associated risks, such as potential involvement in criminal activities, are major concerns. Some are also worried about X's ability to protect minors from exposure to explicit content.

In fact, the surge in adult content is not unique to X. Other similar platforms, such as Twitch, have also adjusted their policies regarding such content in response to criticism.

No adult content, only selfless welfare sisters

Some Elementary School Students Addicted to "Cigarette Cards" by Digging Through Trash or Buying Online, Need to Be Vigilant#

Web summary:
Some elementary school students are addicted to the "cigarette card" game, and even gambling is involved, which requires vigilance. These students collect cigarette packs from the trash to make "cigarette cards" or even buy them online. Schools and parents need to pay attention to and stop this bad habit as soon as possible.

Key points:

  1. "Cigarette cards" have become popular among some elementary school students as a game and gambling method.
  2. Students collect cigarette packs in various ways to make "cigarette cards," including picking them from the trash and buying them online.
  3. Some students have started smoking, and schools and parents need to take measures to stop this bad habit.
  4. Eight departments, including the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Education, have called for strict crackdowns on the illegal sale of tobacco products to minors. Tobacco retailers must display signs in prominent positions indicating that tobacco products are not sold to minors.

Reporters entered a "cigarette card" exchange group on a social platform, where members showed off their "cigarette cards" by taking photos: "Is mine rare?" "My card is better than all of yours." "Who has purple Yellow Crane Tower? I'm buying." The background of many photos was elementary school textbooks and other books.

Some "cigarette card" enthusiasts claim that the cards sold on e-commerce platforms have different qualities: "cigarette cards" priced at 1-2 yuan are basically counterfeit products printed by merchants, with "low value"; some rare genuine cards, directly cut from cigarette packs, are sold at higher prices—5 yuan for Zhonghua brand, 10 yuan for Jiaozi brand, and up to 20 yuan for the "He Tian Xia" series. They grade the "cigarette cards" based on the price of the cigarettes.

Haha, it's so interesting

📚 Article#

Original Summary#

According to the official introduction, "Related Questions" in the search results presentation will be the first advertising space open to brands. When users further explore a certain topic, Perplexity will add sponsored questions next to organic questions, and continue to display related advertising links after further inquiry. In simpler terms, it is the bidding ranking that search engines like Baidu and Google have relied on to make money.

Web Summary#

AI search engine Perplexity announced that it will introduce advertising as its new business model. Perplexity uses the GPT 3.5-turbo and GPT 4-turbo large models and incorporates models from companies such as Meta, Mistral AI, and Anthropic. The subscription-based business model of Perplexity is currently not enough to support its operating costs, so it needs to introduce advertising. However, Perplexity's advertising model may face challenges in user privacy and AI ethics, as well as competition pressure from search engines like Google.

Key Points#

  1. Perplexity announced that it will introduce advertising as its new business model.
  2. Perplexity uses the GPT 3.5-turbo and GPT 4-turbo large models and incorporates AI models from other companies.
  3. The subscription-based business model of Perplexity is not enough to support its operating costs.
  4. Perplexity's advertising model may face challenges in user privacy and AI ethics.
  5. Perplexity needs to compete with search engines like Google to achieve significant advertising revenue.
    Original Article
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