

2024-05-31 22 weeks

🎞️ Life#

Common Coffee Calorie Reference#

Luckily, I only drink espresso with fresh milk on a daily basis.

Switch Game "Luigi's Mansion 2 HD" to be Released on June 27th#

Nintendo recently launched the official website for the Switch game "Luigi's Mansion 2 HD" and announced that the game will be released on June 27th. It supports Simplified Chinese and is currently available for pre-order at a price of 6,500 yen.

The game supports multiplayer online gaming for up to four players, as well as local multiplayer gaming in ScareScraper mode.

"Luigi's Mansion 2 HD" is an adventure puzzle game where players play as Luigi and enter various haunted houses to engage in exciting battles and exploration with ghosts.

I haven't played the first one, but it has great reviews. My Switch will finally have a purpose again after playing Super Mario Odyssey last time.

Sequel to "Coherence" Planned for Filming#

The science fiction thriller film "Coherence" is planning a sequel. Director James Ward Byrkit and producer Kate Andrews are currently in development and have stated that they have finally found inspiration.

The plot of this new film is still kept secret. Although there have been reports that it is a sequel to the first film, it is unclear whether it is a prequel or sequel to the first story, or a completely different story.

"Coherence" was released in 2013 and gained a lot of fans with its low-budget production. It tells the story of Emily, a woman who attends a gathering with friends on a night when a comet passes by Earth, and encounters many strange and abnormal situations.

It's impressive and can spark discussions and open-ended interpretations. A rare film indeed.

💭 Clips#

📰 Weekly Excerpts# Raises Sales Salary from 16 to 20 Months After Liu Qiangdong's "Wolf-like Training"# was reported last week to strictly enforce attendance, cutting lunch breaks in half and cracking down on proxy clock-ins. On May 24th, after announcing a salary increase of 20%-100% for all sales employees, Liu Qiangdong delivered a "wolf-like training" speech: "Whether it's our deep industry or the internal and external environment, we can never continue to let a large number of employees sleep on the job."

Liu Qiangdong said, "If you perform well, you will never need to work overtime. The company will always love you and provide you with very good income and benefits. If your performance is only average, as long as you work hard, the company will never dismiss you. But for those whose performance is poor and never work hard, this company will never tolerate them. No company will tolerate them and they will gradually be eliminated by various means."

Motivation is needed when talking about performance.

Ministry of Public Security: Over 1.945 Million Cases of Telecom Fraud Solved in the Past Five Years, "Four Major Families" Crime Syndicate in Mengbei, Guokang Destroyed#

Li Guozhong, spokesperson for the Ministry of Public Security, stated at a press conference held by the ministry that since July 2023, significant achievements have been made in the special operation to combat crimes in Mengbei involving China. A total of 49,000 suspects of telecom fraud have been handed over to China, and the notorious "Four Major Families" crime syndicate in Mengbei, Guokang, has been dealt a devastating blow. Major suspects such as Bai Suocheng, Bai Yingcang, Ming Zhenzhen, Wei Huairen, Liu Zhengxiang, and Liu Zhengmao have all been arrested.

Telecom fraud needs to be solved at its root. Downloading anti-fraud apps every day and restricting transfers is not a good solution.

Study: Over 300 Million Children Experience Online Sexual Exploitation Each Year#

According to Agence France-Presse, researchers from the University of Edinburgh in the UK found that in the past 12 months, one in every eight children in the world has been involuntarily photographed, shared, forwarded, and exposed in sexual photos and videos.

The Childlight Global Child Safety Research Institute at the University of Edinburgh, which conducted the study, said that this corresponds to approximately 302 million children worldwide who are victims of sexual exploitation.

Another classic case of the West thinking it's the world.
Just another old tradition of Western Christianity, Lolita Island, child exploitation.
They talk about protecting children while sexually abusing them, especially old white men.

Li Qiang: Promote New Journey of China-Japan-South Korea Cooperation, Resume and Complete Free Trade Agreement Negotiations as Soon as Possible#

Web Summary#

Chinese Premier Li Qiang attended the China-Japan-South Korea Leaders' Meeting in Seoul with South Korean President Yun Seok-yue and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.
Li Qiang stated the need to resume and complete free trade agreement negotiations as soon as possible and promote a new journey of China-Japan-South Korea cooperation.
He also proposed five suggestions for deepening cooperation and called for joint efforts to address global issues.
After the meeting, joint statements and other documents were issued, and 2025-2026 was designated as the China-Japan-South Korea Cultural Exchange Year.

Key Points#

  • Li Qiang attended the China-Japan-South Korea Leaders' Meeting and called for the resumption and completion of free trade agreement negotiations.
  • He proposed five suggestions for deepening cooperation, including openness, mutual respect, mutual benefit, and exchange and mutual learning.
  • Joint statements, including the "Joint Statement of the 9th China-Japan-South Korea Leaders' Meeting," were issued after the meeting.
  • 2025-2026 was designated as the China-Japan-South Korea Cultural Exchange Year.

The United States cannot sit idly by while China, Japan, and South Korea become friends, or else they will become a stronger force than the European Union.

"Luobo Kuai Pao" Autonomous Driving Faces Numerous Complaints, Wuhan Economic Development Zone to Hold Feedback Meeting#

Recently, the Wuhan Urban Message Board received multiple complaints about "Luobo Kuai Pao." Many citizens reported issues such as vehicles stopping in green light states, running into the middle of intersections during red lights, and getting stuck during turns. These situations occur frequently, especially during rush hours, and can cause traffic congestion and inconvenience for citizens.

In response to this phenomenon, the Wuhan Economic Development Zone Management Committee stated: After verifying the complaints, the vehicles in question are autonomous vehicles. "During the on-road testing process, the vehicles are constantly being adjusted, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. At the same time, the Development Zone Traffic Brigade will periodically hold feedback meetings with the responsible persons of the vehicle companies to provide feedback on the issues you have raised and ensure road safety." (Source: The Paper)

Let them run freely.

📚 Articles#

AI Old Chinese Medicine Prescribes Online, Would You Dare to Take It? - Huxiu#


Web Summary#

The article introduces the application of AI technology in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, including AI Chinese medicine robots and large-scale models of traditional Chinese medicine.

These technologies have brought innovation and development opportunities to the traditional Chinese medicine industry, but the mystery of traditional Chinese medicine and the lack of data remain challenges.

In early May, the "Digital Wisdom Herbal Medicine" large-scale model developed jointly by Huawei Cloud and Tian's Power was released.

Previously, in the AI frenzy driven by GPT, there have been at least thirty to forty large-scale models related to traditional Chinese medicine, such as Bian Que, Hua Tuo, Shennong, Sun Simiao, "Digital Wisdom Qihuang," "Qihuang Wenda," "Herbal Wisdom Bank," "Tianhe Ling Shu," etc., according to statistics by Huxiu based on publicly available information since 2023.

Although objectively speaking, large-scale models of traditional Chinese medicine are not a "magic pill" that can cure all diseases, more and more major Chinese medicine companies are actively deploying this new technology, which is still something to look forward to in promoting the development of the traditional industry and unlocking the mysteries of life.

Key Points#

  • AI Chinese medicine robots (cyber Chinese medicine) assess health through cameras and sensors and provide health reports and treatment recommendations.
  • Large-scale models of traditional Chinese medicine combine traditional Chinese medicine knowledge with modern technology for drug development, disease diagnosis, etc.
  • The development of large-scale models of traditional Chinese medicine has been supported by technology companies, universities, and Chinese medicine enterprises, promoting the transformation and upgrading of the traditional Chinese medicine industry.
  • AI technology has created opportunities for the development of traditional Chinese medicine, prompting Chinese medicine companies to increase research and development investment and enhance innovation capabilities.

Medicine seems to be a powerful force, a results-oriented industry?
Large-scale models are indeed very suitable.

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