

2024-06-07 Week 23

🎞️ Life#

Dragon Boat Festival#

Wishing you health during the Dragon Boat Festival!

This Dragon Boat Festival, I will stay in Shanghai and prepare to rehabilitate my old game, getting ready for the DLC.
I plan to start a new save file, and if the DLC is released and my progress isn't sufficient, I'll just use my second playthrough save to play.

By the way, I should also finish my Dark Lord playthrough and sell the disc to recover some funds.

About Fitness#

Recently, I gained a kilogram, and it seems my upper arms have increased in size, but my waist is still not great. I feel pain during deadlifts, so I will stop training for a few days during the Dragon Boat Festival to recover.

International Running Day#


Hangzhou Trip#


💭 Fragments#

Birdcage Logic#

Birdcage logic, also known as the "empty birdcage effect," is a psychological phenomenon considered one of the ten hardest psychological traps for humans to escape. The core idea of this logic is that when people accidentally acquire an item they originally did not need, they continue to add more related items that they do not actually need.

Origin and Story of Birdcage Logic#

Birdcage logic originates from a psychological story. In this story, when a person hangs a beautiful birdcage in the most conspicuous place in a room, people often, based on inertia, assume that there should be a bird in the cage. Therefore, people will continuously inquire about the whereabouts of the bird, even if the cage is empty. To avoid this endless questioning and explanation, the owner may eventually choose to buy a bird to put in the cage.

Causes of Birdcage Logic#

The emergence of birdcage logic is largely due to people's tendency to rely on inertia in their thinking. Inertia thinking is when people think about problems according to existing, fixed patterns, which can help us quickly recognize and adapt to our surroundings. However, when this inertia thinking is over-applied, even extending to every corner of life, it can become a rigid mindset that limits our imagination and creativity.

Insights from Birdcage Logic#

Birdcage logic tells us that sometimes we are bound by our own inertia thinking and cannot see more possibilities. Therefore, in life, we need to learn to break through the limitations of traditional concepts and habitual thinking, daring to try new initiatives and reasoning from multiple perspectives to discover more opportunities and possibilities.


Birdcage logic is an interesting and profound psychological phenomenon that reminds us to maintain open and flexible thinking when facing various problems in life, avoiding being constrained by inertia thinking. Only in this way can we continue to innovate and progress in life.

WTF is AI?#

AI excels at the following tasks.
(1) Quickly creating low-value written works, such as a draft of a blog post that contains the general ideas of what you want to say.
(2) Completing low-level coding tasks, such as copying code from one project to another by a junior programmer, or copying code from Stack Overflow.
(3) Summarizing and sorting meetings, papers, and databases. AI is very good at this because it is built around the concept of extracting useful information from large amounts of unordered data.
(4) Discovering patterns from large datasets—astronomical observations, protein interactions, clinical outcomes. While AI itself does not make discoveries, researchers can use it to accelerate their findings.
(5) AI is surprisingly talkative, able to go on endlessly about any topic, knowledgeable without being judgmental, and responsive!

The biggest risk with AI is that they do not know how to say "I don't know."

What happens when AI encounters something it has never seen before? Without a ready-made pattern to follow, it simply guesses based on the general rules reflected by previous patterns. Therefore, its responses may be vague, strange, or inappropriate. We call this phenomenon hallucination.

Disturbingly, AI will not tell you which are its hallucinations and which are facts.

If you ask AI to summarize some research and provide citations, it may fabricate non-existent papers and authors that you cannot distinguish.

Moreover, given the current construction of AI models, there is no practical way to prevent hallucinations.

📰 Weekly Excerpts#

Dong Mingzhu says workers wanting leisure can resign: It's their choice#

Recently, Henan Radio and Television Station interviewed Dong Mingzhu, chairman and president of Zhuhai Gree Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. During the program, it was mentioned that the recent hit "My Alashan" has made many people crave a more leisurely life. In response, Dong Mingzhu said, "You can submit your resignation, you can go back and relax, no problem. I think it's your choice. Just like me, I haven't taken a break in over thirty years. Do you think it's a loss or a wrong choice? Personally, I feel very happy, so happiness has no standard; it comes from within." (Red Star News)

It is impossible to expect capitalists to empathize with you.

"Training Loans" Targeting Job-Seeking Youth: Tuition Fees of Ten Thousand Yuan Guaranteed Job Placement#

A reporter's investigation found that many "training loans" are targeting young people seeking jobs or part-time work. Unscrupulous training institutions induce job seekers to borrow from online loan platforms, failing to deliver on promised part-time or employment opportunities, leaving job seekers trapped in refund difficulties and high-interest loan risks. "Training loans" lure many job seekers with zero-threshold tuition fees and guaranteed job placements, leading them into traps. "At that time, the company claimed to be hiring for computer operation and maintenance positions, but after the interview, they said I lacked the necessary skills and needed training before I could officially start, and that the fees would be deducted from my salary." Last year, shortly after graduating from university, Xiao Chen fell victim to a "training loan" scam, and he still has over ten thousand yuan in loans unpaid. (Beike Finance)

When I graduated in 2017, I encountered something similar and directly refused.
Why should I pay to work? Are you crazy?
I didn't expect this scam still exists.

Xiaopeng Releases X9 Car User Profile: BBA Owners Account for 80%, 1/3 of Owners Have Annual Family Income of One Million#

On June 3, Xiaopeng Motors released the user profile of 100,000 X9 users, claiming that Xiaopeng X9 "continues to lead the market for pure electric MPVs and pure electric three-row models."

Xiaopeng Motors announced the user profile for its electric MPV model, Xiaopeng X9. According to a survey of 100,000 users, 80% of Xiaopeng X9 users are BBA owners, and 33% of families have an annual income of one million; 65% of owner families have an annual income exceeding 500,000 yuan. From the user demographic, 80% of Xiaopeng X9 users are male, 66% are over 35 years old, and more than half (52%) of users have 4-5 family members. Nearly 80% of users prefer Apple and Huawei phones, and over 70% choose the Xiaopeng X9 Max version equipped with XNGP. Additionally, Xiaopeng revealed the factors influencing the purchase of the Xiaopeng X9, with rear-wheel steering, dual-chamber air suspension, and onboard intelligent large models being important reasons for users to choose the Xiaopeng X9.

It seems that the vast majority are second or even third cars.

Apple is in Talks with China Mobile Regarding the Launch of Apple TV+ in China#

According to exclusive reports from foreign media The Information, Apple is in talks with China Mobile regarding "the launch of Apple TV+ video streaming service in China."

The report states that since last year, Apple has been negotiating with China Mobile to launch the Apple TV+ video streaming service in China. If the negotiations are successful, it will cover more than 200 million China Mobile users, and Apple TV+ will become the only American streaming service launched in China.

It can be imagined as a domestic version of PS; if you buy it, you can't jailbreak it, then you've been fooled, just like buying a TV series every six months.

📚 Articles#

The Intellectual Obesity Crisis (2022)#

This article titled "The Intellectual Obesity Crisis" explores how information addiction erodes our brains. The author points out that information generates dopamine in the brain's reward system, just like food, leading to a craving for information as strong as the craving for food. In an age of information overload, people try to attract our attention by producing large amounts of low-quality "junk information," which is like fast food for the mind—cheap and satisfying but lacking in nutrition. Junk information includes gossip, trivia, clickbait, hype, marketing, etc.; any information you cannot utilize is junk information.

The author warns that indulging in useless information will ultimately lead to "intellectual obesity," just as binge eating causes physical bloating, indulging in useless information fills the brain with a pile of half-remembered nonsense, distracting your attention and confusing your senses. Ultimately, you will find yourself worrying about trivial matters and getting angry over false information, which will drive you to consume more information, during which you cannot do anything else: learn, focus, or even think.

The article suggests ways to improve your information diet, including cultivating a meta-awareness habit about the content you focus on and readjusting your lifestyle so that junk information is no longer an option. Ultimately, you need to determine an information diet that suits you; otherwise, indulging in everything the internet offers will lead to a bitter outcome: when you look back on your life, you may not say, "Wow, I wish I had spent more time browsing the web," but rather realize the countless voids left by this junk information, and ultimately you will understand that you are not consuming information, but being consumed by it.

HN Comments 143 comments | Author: blueridge | 19 hours ago #

  • The brain views information as a reward in itself; regardless of whether the information is accurate or useful, the brain still craves it and feels satisfied after consumption.
  • The brain prefers simple, generalized information/models over specific information; it also prefers information that confirms our existing beliefs.
  • The article discusses specific types of people, which may be described in Tyler Cowen's book "The Age of Information Overload: Succeeding in the Information Economy."
  • Information is overly abundant, while attention is scarce; we must learn to value high-bandwidth/compressed communication more, such as TikTok.
  • We need better filtering and consciously choose the content we spend time on; rather than over-consuming useless information.
  • Typical examples on social media may be useless trivia, but political and technical content is more dangerous because they are genuinely important and useful.
  • Whether reading content leads to action or changes in thinking is what matters; most political content is useless if you do not take any action, then reading it is meaningless.
  • Information overload is a real problem; we need to create more time for creativity and less meaningless scrolling.
  • Information craving is a bad habit that needs moderation, order, and rational control; otherwise, it becomes a vice that leads to distraction, confusion, and inability to think clearly.
  • Modern access to high-capacity, low-nutrition information makes information addiction an unhealthy habit.
  • Viewing "anger bait" as a great opportunity to liberate ourselves from biases, thus unleashing our full potential as individuals and as a species.
  • Information overload is a real issue that requires moderation, order, and rational control; otherwise, it becomes a vice that leads to distraction, confusion, and inability to think clearly.
  • Viewing "anger bait" as a great opportunity to liberate ourselves from biases, thus unleashing our full potential as individuals and as a species.

Just like me, covering a wide range but lacking depth.

Million-Yuan Salary Finance Guy Part-Time Taxi Driver: Not Profitable, Saw Another Side of Hong Kong's Wealth Gap#

Web Summary#

A senior finance professional in Hong Kong turned to driving a taxi on weekends due to market instability, sharing his experiences on social media and observing the wealth gap in Hong Kong society, believing that driving a taxi is a way to balance work and life.

Key Points#

  • The protagonist is a senior finance professional in Hong Kong who turned to driving a taxi due to market instability.
  • He shares his taxi-driving experiences on social media, becoming a self-media blogger.
  • Through driving a taxi, he observes the wealth gap in Hong Kong society and encounters passengers from various backgrounds.
  • The protagonist believes that driving a taxi is a way to balance work and life and sets different "KPIs" to challenge himself.

Unknown truth, but interesting.

Vietnam: The "Bathtub" for Chinese Goods - Huxiu#

Web Summary#

Vietnam's economy heavily relies on foreign investment, especially in the electronics manufacturing industry. Companies like Samsung have driven Vietnam to become the world's second-largest mobile phone producer, and Taiwanese electronic OEMs are also setting up factories in Vietnam. Vietnam offers favorable treatment and infrastructure to attract foreign investment, closely resembling China's national conditions, becoming an important transfer location for the electronics manufacturing industry.

Key Points#

  • Vietnam's economy heavily relies on foreign investment, especially in the electronics manufacturing industry.
  • Companies like Samsung are the main drivers of Vietnam's electronics manufacturing industry, propelling Vietnam to become the world's second-largest mobile phone producer.
  • Taiwanese electronic OEMs are also following Samsung to set up factories in Vietnam, expanding Vietnam's position in the global electronics manufacturing industry.
  • Vietnam provides favorable treatment and infrastructure to attract foreign investment, closely resembling China's national conditions, becoming an important transfer location for the electronics manufacturing industry.
  • Vietnam's economic development model is similar to early China, attracting a large amount of foreign investment in electronic processing and manufacturing.

Similar to the existence of Hong Kong, where early finance needs to be transferred from Hong Kong.
Industrial upgrading is still required, either relocating the lagging industries to midwestern cities or to underdeveloped countries with large populations.

Why Europe is Unable to Compete with the US and China - The New York Times Chinese Edition#

Web Summary#

Europe's share in the global economy is shrinking, raising concerns about its ability to keep pace with the US and China. Many point out that Europe lacks ambition, has excessive regulation, and insufficient investment, while the US and China are vigorously developing emerging industries and disrupting the free trade system.

Key Points#

  • Europe's share in the global economy is shrinking, facing challenges in competing with the US and China.
  • Europe has issues such as excessive regulatory laws, limited power of leadership, fragmented financial markets, and insufficient investment.
  • Europe's organization, decision-making, and financing designs are outdated and need to adapt to the current global situation.
  • The US and China are vigorously developing emerging industries and disrupting the global free trade system.
  • Private investment in Europe is lagging, requiring increased investment to enhance competitiveness.

The US and China are still more hardworking and resilient, coupled with political stability, making it difficult to be swayed.

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