

2024-02-04 5周

📰 周刊摘录#


这篇文章主要报道了马斯克宣布人类首次植入脑机接口芯片的新闻,并介绍了 Neuralink 公司的产品 Telepathy 和脑机接口技术。文章指出,这项技术旨在帮助那些因各种原因失去身体控制能力的人,让他们仅凭思考就能控制手机或计算机,进而几乎可以操控任何设备。文章还介绍了 Neuralink 公司的柔性电极技术和设备锂电池、植入物电线在脑内移动的可能性等问题,以及该公司在动物实验中存在的问题。

脑机接口可以帮助到这些特殊人群,不过正常人的 “助手” 是否以这个形式出现,我表示怀疑。


### 三星新机型将整合百度的生成式 AI 根据彭博社消息,三星将与百度合作,在最新发布的 Galaxy S24 系列机型上,采用百度的 Ernie Bot 大模型。

在本次合作中,百度的文心一言基础模型将与 Galaxy AI 深度集成,为 S24 系列增加智能摘要、高级排版和实时通话翻译等先进功能。

文心一言的理解和生成能力与 Gemini Pro 相似,使得升级后的 Samsung Note Assistant 能够将内容实时转录为文本,区分说话者,并支持多语言翻译和会议纪要生成,提高跨语言沟通和办公效率。

此外,S24 系列还继承了由 Google 首创的创新功能「Circle to Search」,用户可以通过简单的手势在文本、图像或视频上进行直观搜索,从百度搜索中快速获得准确的结果。



A bunch of young Americans are living on their parents’ tab

It feels good when your assumptions about the world are confirmed by cold, hard data. For instance:

The majority of Americans (73%) only eat pizza with their hands — none of that fork and knife business.
大多数美国人(73%)只用手吃披萨 —— 与刀叉无关。
Are pets part of the family? Sure thing, according to 97% of US pet owners.
宠物是家庭的一部分吗? 97% 的美国宠物主人表示,这是肯定的。

We’ve got another one for you: If you’ve seen young Americans freely spend money and assumed they’re getting help from their parents, well, it’s more likely than not that they are, per Pew Research Center.

Yeah, duh 是的,呃
Parents providing financial backing for their adult kids is hardly a new or surprising concept, but the scale of that support jumps off the page:

The majority of under-30 Americans lack total financial independence from their parents. Just 16% of adults ages 18-24 are entirely off their parents’ payroll. That number goes up to 44% for those ages 25-29.
大多数 30 岁以下的美国人缺乏对父母的完全经济独立。 18-24 岁的成年人中,只有 16% 完全脱离父母的工资。对于 25-29 岁的人来说,这个数字高达 44%。

While most young adults (67%) achieve full independence by their early 30s, nearly one-third of adults ages 30-34 still receive parental help.
虽然大多数年轻人 (67%) 在 30 岁出头时就实现了完全独立,但近三分之一的 30-34 岁成年人仍然得到父母的帮助。

Household expenses, phone bills, and streaming subscriptions are the most common chip-ins. Despite the horror show that is rent and mortgage, only 17% of adults ages 18-34 get help making those payments.
家庭开支、电话费和流媒体订阅是最常见的筹码。尽管租金和抵押贷款很恐怖,但只有 17% 的 18-34 岁成年人在支付这些费用方面获得帮助。

That said, the number of young adults living with their parents has increased: 57% of American adults under age 25 share an address with a parent, up from 53% in 1993.
尽管如此,与父母住在一起的年轻人数量有所增加:25 岁以下的美国成年人中有 57% 与父母共用一个地址,而 1993 年这一比例为 53%。

The “why” behind all of this isn’t hard to find. For starters, inflation has been extra painful for young Americans, and the housing market increasingly favors the old.
这一切背后的 “原因” 并不难找到。首先,通货膨胀对美国年轻人来说尤其痛苦,而房地产市场也越来越有利于老年人。

What are parents saying? 父母在说什么?
Fifty-nine percent of parents reported financially assisting their adult children over the past year — and many aren’t blinking much of an eye at it.
59% 的父母表示在过去的一年里为他们的成年子女提供了经济援助,而且许多人对此视而不见。

Of those parents, 64% said giving support did little or no damage to their own personal finances.
在这些父母中,64% 的人表示提供支持对他们自己的个人财务几乎没有损害或没有损害。
They think it’ll be temporary: 72% of parents believe their adult kids will cut the “financial umbilical cord” eventually.
他们认为这只是暂时的:72% 的父母相信他们的成年孩子最终会切断 “财务脐带”。

It isn’t just a one-way street, BTW: Parents giving help is far more common, but 33% of adults ages 18-34 say they’ve financially supported their parents in the past year. (Only 14% of parents acknowledged receiving help, though. Hm.)
顺便说一句,这不仅仅是一条单行道:父母提供帮助的情况要普遍得多,但 33% 的 18-34 岁成年人表示,他们在过去的一年里在经济上支持了父母。 (不过,只有 14% 的家长承认接受过帮助。嗯。)


10 亿行挑战#

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is deceptively simple: write a Java program for retrieving temperature measurement values from a text file and calculating the min, mean, and max temperature per weather station. There’s just one caveat: the file has 1,000,000,000 rows!
如果您决定接受的话,您的任务看似简单:编写一个 Java 程序,用于从文本文件中检索温度测量值并计算每个气象站的最低、平均和最高温度。只有一个警告:该文件有 1,000,000,000 行!

The text file has a simple structure with one measurement value per row:

St. John's;15.2

The program should print out the min, mean, and max values per station, alphabetically ordered like so:

{Abha=5.0/18.0/27.4, Abidjan=15.7/26.0/34.1, Abéché=12.1/29.4/35.6, Accra=14.7/26.4/33.1, Addis Ababa=2.1/16.0/24.3, Adelaide=4.1/17.3/29.7, ...}

The goal of the 1BRC challenge is to create the fastest implementation for this task, and while doing so, explore the benefits of modern Java and find out how far you can push this platform. So grab all your (virtual) threads, reach out to the Vector API and SIMD, optimize your GC, leverage AOT compilation, or pull any other trick you can think of.
1BRC 挑战赛的目标是为此任务创建最快的实现,并在此过程中探索现代 Java 的优势,并了解您可以将该平台推向多远。因此,抓住所有(虚拟)线程,使用 Vector API 和 SIMD,优化 GC,利用 AOT 编译,或使用您能想到的任何其他技巧。

There’s a few simple rules of engagement for 1BRC (see here for more details):
1BRC 有一些简单的参与规则(请参阅此处了解更多详细信息):

  • Any submission must be written in Java
  • 任何提交都必须用 Java 编写
  • Any Java distribution available through SDKMan as well as early access builds from may be used, including EA builds for OpenJDK projects like Valhalla
  • 可以使用通过 SDKMan 提供的任何 Java 发行版以及来自 的早期访问版本,包括针对 OpenJDK 项目(如 Valhalla)的 EA 版本
  • No external dependencies may be used
  • 不能使用外部依赖项



When it comes to venture capital for computer chips, the gap between the US and China has never been wider.

In 2023, the US’s share of global semiconductor startup funding was just 11%, versus 75% for China, according to a recent report from PitchBook, a market research firm. PitchBook defines semiconductor startups as companies working on chip design and manufacturing as well as production and equipment.
市场研究公司 PitchBook 最近的一份报告显示,2023 年,美国在全球半导体初创企业融资中所占份额仅为 11%,而中国则为 75%。 PitchBook 将半导体初创公司定义为从事芯片设计和制造以及生产和设备的公司。



after more than three months of Israel’s merciless assault on Gaza, Friday’s judgment from the international court of justice (ICJ) has come as some vindication for the 2.3 million Palestinians trapped in the hell that the enclave has become. Fifteen out of 17 jurists, legal experts from around the world, found it plausible that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians.
在以色列对加沙进行了三个多月的无情袭击之后,国际法院(ICJ)周五的判决为 230 万被困在这块飞地地狱中的巴勒斯坦人提供了一些辩护。来自世界各地的 17 名法学家和法律专家中有 15 人认为以色列正在对巴勒斯坦人进行种族灭绝。



As Russia’s war in Ukraine grinds on and the prospect of a Trump presidency becomes more likely, military leaders in the UK and across Europe have been warning that peacetime may be coming to an end.

In his first speech as defence secretary, Grant Shapps echoed this sentiment, saying that we are moving from a “postwar” to a “prewar” world. And it’s not just the UK: Germany’s defence minister, Boris Pistorius, predicted that a Russian attack on a Nato country is only five to eight years away. With a dwindling army – Britain’s military is the smallest it’s been in 400 years – the threat feels more palpable than ever to some. The head of the British army, General Sir Patrick Sanders, said during a military conference Britain should train and equip a citizen’s army because years of poor recruitment has meant that the number of fully trained army personnel has dropped to record lows, leaving the UK vulnerable. Though he was not advocating for conscription, the idea of mass mobilisation has set off alarm bells.
格兰特・沙普斯在担任国防部长的首次演讲中呼应了这一观点,他说我们正在从 “战后” 世界转向 “战前” 世界。不仅仅是英国:德国国防部长鲍里斯・皮斯托利斯预测,俄罗斯对北约国家的袭击只有五到八年的时间。随着军队不断减少 —— 英国的军队规模是 400 年来最小的 —— 对一些人来说,威胁比以往任何时候都更加明显。英国陆军总司令帕特里克・桑德斯爵士在一次军事会议上表示,英国应该训练和装备一支公民军队,因为多年来的征兵不力意味着训练有素的军队人员数量已降至历史最低水平,使英国变得脆弱。尽管他并不主张征兵,但大规模动员的想法已经敲响了警钟。

Downing Street and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) swiftly dismissed the claims made by Gen Sanders, insisting that there were no plans to reinstate national service. But for today’s newsletter I spoke with Guardian security and defence editor Dan Sabbagh about the crisis in the military, and what it means for Britain’s security. But first, the headlines.
唐宁街和国防部迅速驳回了桑德斯将军的说法,坚称没有恢复兵役的计划。但在今天的时事通讯中,我与《卫报》安全与防务编辑丹・萨巴格 (Dan Sabbagh) 讨论了军队危机及其对英国安全的影响。



Good morning. China was once a big moneymaker for Hollywood. Last year, no American movie broke the Top 10 at the Chinese box office.
早上好。中国曾经是好莱坞的一大赚钱者。去年,没有一部美国电影进入中国票房前 10 名。

“Barbenheimer” — the portmanteau given to the same-day release of “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” last summer — was a genuine cultural phenomenon for much of the world. Cinemas were filled with outfits in various hues of pink. Social media frothed with opinions. And the films brought in a combined $2.3 billion globally.
“巴本海默”—— 去年夏天《芭比》和《奥本海默》在同一天上映的合成词 —— 对世界大部分地区来说都是一种真正的文化现象。电影院里到处都是各种粉红色的服装。社交媒体上充斥着各种意见。这些电影在全球共带来了 23 亿美元的收入。

The “Barbenheimer” story played out differently in China, though. Neither movie cracked the nation’s top 30 releases last year. In fact, as my colleagues Claire Fu, Brooks Barnes and Daisuke Wakabayashi have reported, it was a bad year for all of Hollywood at the Chinese box office, where no American movie broke the list of top 10 highest-grossing movies.
然而,“巴本海默” 的故事在中国却有所不同。去年,这两部电影都没有进入全美前 30 名。事实上,正如我的同事克莱尔・傅(Claire Fu)、布鲁克斯・巴恩斯(Brooks Barnes)和若林大辅(Daisuke Wakabayashi)所报道的那样,对于整个好莱坞来说,这一年在中国票房方面都是糟糕的一年,没有一部美国电影进入票房最高的十部电影之列。


📚 文章#


ai 总结#

该文章主要介绍了邮轮旅行的体验和相关细节。相比于其他旅行,邮轮之旅几乎不用做攻略和计划,游玩项目和吃饭都是免费的,非常适合带父母或小朋友旅行。邮轮的模式是支付住宿费后,其他费用都是免费的,但也有一些收费项目,如酒水、游玩项目和餐厅。上船后护照会被收走,使用房卡进行各种消费和活动。船上可以使用现金消费,但使用的是美金。预定方式和价格可以通过官方网站进行,不同类型的房间价格不同,带小朋友的话也有免费活动。选择房间时,建议选择低楼层的船中间的房间,避免晕船。船上餐厅有收费和免费两种,免费餐厅主要有 Main Dining Room 和帆船餐厅两种,Main Dining Room 是西餐,仪式感强但上菜速度慢;帆船餐厅是自助餐厅,品质相当于景区 Resort 酒店的自助水平。



  • 模拟跳伞:就是在风洞里面飞行,第一次体验,挺好玩的。免费体验是 1 分钟的课程。
  • 甲板冲浪:分成两种,趴着到跪起来的,和站的的,因为用的不一样的板子,很刺激。但是排队的地方太晒了,注意防晒。
  • 碰碰车:很好玩,有时候很少人排队,可以经常去看看,人少就上。
  • 射箭:个人也比较喜欢。后面人少,也可以尽情玩。
  • 乒乓球:公司就有,所以没啥兴趣。
  • 篮球:也没啥兴趣;
  • 体感游戏机:小朋友很喜欢,我玩的时候有个小孩在指导我,我每次路过都看到这小孩在玩这个,感觉可能是一个 NPC
  • 儿童游戏厅:不是投币的,是直接刷房卡。


🎞️ 生活#


💭 片段#
